
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Former World Champion Vladimir Kramnik vs Robot blitz game in chess


For almost as long as we've had computers, humans have been trying to make ones that play chess. The most famous chess-playing computer of course is IBM's Deep Blue, which in 1997 defeated the then World Champion Garry Kasparov. But as powerful as Deep Blue was, it didn't actually move the chess pieces on its own. Perhaps that's a trivial task in comparison to beating the best chess player of all-time.

As for how it works, it should be noted that the robot is not actually seeing the board, but rather is connected to it. As the pieces are fitted with sensors, the robot can detect when they are moved, and responds appropriately. The hand portion of the robot is a three-prong system which can open and close to grasp and release pieces.

The Chess Terminator does have some flaws, however. Note that around the 2:45 mark Kramnik extends his hand offering a draw, but the robot – since it's not fitted with any kind of optical device – just keeps playing, very nearly taking off Kramnik's hand in the process!

The result of this particular match was a draw in the end, but look forward to possibly more human vs robot games in the future, because short blitz matches like these are certainly a lot of fun for everyone involved.

Tag :Robot,Former,World,Champion,VladimirKramnik,World Champion Vladimir ,Worldchampion,Kramnik,VladimirKramnik vs robot


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